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Submission #31 (2602)

Submission #31 (2602)

These photo makes me feel soothed because it makes me feel very happy and calm. I took the first photo while I was riding on my bike on my way home from my work. I worked in a little farm in the countryside of the city where I live. This farm had a little pub where people could order drinks and snacks. I worked there as a dishwasher and i was allowed to serve drinks and snacks and I got to work the cash register. I loved working there so much. It was only in the summertime when I worked there. The farm was so beautifull with the most cute animals. There were cats and chicks and beautiful cows. My boss was a very nice and friendly lady who sometimes told stories to me about her past. Everytime I had to work I had to ride with my bike for an hour from my house in the city to the farm in the countryside. I loved doing that. It was always a nice weather and while I was riding my bike I was listening to music. On these moments while going to my work and working there and going back home, I felt thruly happy and peacefull. I don’t work there anymore beacuse the lady of the farm has stopped with keeping the farm open because she is already quite old and it was too busy for her. I would love to show pictures from the farm and the pub, but I I want to keep the privacy of the farmer and the farmer’s wife because they live there.

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Monday 24-01-22


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